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Nos ha llegado, gracias a un buen amigo del blog, la información de una web muy jugosa para todos nosotros. Esta web lo que hac...

viernes, 18 de agosto de 2017

STEAM´s market blocked games: Solutions

Steam removed some games in its store, because business with those game developers was finished. Those games are still in your libraries, they still drop cards but the cards are not marketable (cant be sold on the market) but they are still tradeable with other users.

HERE you can view a list and trade this cards with the others.

At the bottom, you can view the latests comments with uptaded list for trading with other users, We only recommend trading 1: 1 only with the blocked cards, DO NOT PAY MORE THAN ONE CARD OR OTHER HIGH MARKET PRICE CARDS OR ITEMS

don´t BE A MERCHANT!! be only a trader :P :P

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